Of particular interest was the fact that dollar sales volume in the City of Ouray decreased by almost 50%, and that the dollar sales volume in the City of Ridgway increased by 270%. Overall, the median sales price of property in Ouray County increased in 2006.
Even with the variability we've seen over the past several years in Ouray County Real Estate, now is a great time to buy. Buyers of Ouray County Real Estate will find good bargains on properties with motivated Sellers. Sellers will find investors happy to enter into the Ouray County Real Estate marketplace.
For all your Ouray County Real Estate needs contact Erin Eddy, Managing Broker, Ouray Realty and Investment(s).
970.318.1376 Cell
Statistical Information from this short Email Blog was provided by Lynn Vogel - Comparable Sales Research - 7 North Cascade Avenue #C, Montrose CO 81401 - 970.249.2118 - lynnv@montrose.net
970.318.1376 Cell
Statistical Information from this short Email Blog was provided by Lynn Vogel - Comparable Sales Research - 7 North Cascade Avenue #C, Montrose CO 81401 - 970.249.2118 - lynnv@montrose.net
Above Photo by Lora Slawitschka